Saturday, June 15, 2024

Buffy: Pilot Episode

 Okay, initial thoughts:

Xander is creepy as ever in the first episode and I think maybe the first time I watched I just didn't catch how creepy he is thanks to his friend Jesse being slightly more so, but they're both kinda yuk. Giles is too quiet. Everyone else speaks at normal volume and he speaks about three decibels too low it makes it difficult to hear anything he says. That does make sense for a librarian character though. Baby Willow is too cute and a touch naive and way too much of a pushover. Makes the transformation to bad-ass witch Willow even more amazing to watch her in this version. Buffy is kinda annoying at first with all her trying to avoid her destiny and getting herself in over her head because she underestimates the danger. Also, Angel comes off a bit creepy in this episode too. The master is a pretty boring villain: "I'm hungry, bring me something young." Ominous voice. Luke is way more interesting. Darla is pretty cool in this episode too, but she gives up and hands the reins over to Luke too quick. The Bronze is a club where teenagers hang out, but no one is ever carded? Does this mean they don't serve alcohol? Cordelia is too funny. She's probably the most interesting character in the show so far. Buffy's mom comes on a bit strong and I can't watch any of these episodes without remembering The Body.

Creep factor for this show was pretty high, so I'll give it that. Lots of spooky effects, low lighting, a few jump scares. Love the Buffy line: "It's just one vamp" and then the cut to Darla who we've already seen at the show's opening sequence to be a vamp. It's a TBC episode, so it cuts off right as Luke is about to bite Buffy. Of course, we know he isn't going to keep the upper hand, but pretty good way to keep suspense for the pilot episode. I get it, when a show first starts you're just learning who your characters are and how to play them, so they feel a bit stiff at first. Cordelia's line: "What's your childhood trauma?" is one of the most memorable lines of the show. I forgot that she was initially nice to Buffy because Buffy looked like she'd be one of the mean girl types. No Harmony yet, I seem to remember her being Cordie's right-hand man, so she'll probably show up in the next few episodes.

The principle ripping up her transcripts and then seeing the note about the fire and trying to tape them back together is too funny. I know he gets eaten in the Hyena episode, which is when they get Snyder (the prick everyone loves to hate), but this guy is too funny.

Episode rundown: Episode opens with a couple breaking into the school. The girl is acting afraid like she's scared they'll get caught. Typical damsel in distress trope thrown on its head when it turns out she's the vamp in the situation. Cut to Buffy having nightmares of some foreboding omen. Then Buffy wakes to a room with packing boxes all around. Buffy's mom calls her. Next we see Buffy's mom dropping her off at school and leaving with the parting words "try not to get kicked out, okay?" Then Xander skateboarding down the sidewalk despite dozens of students he's almost hitting like he has more right to be there than them. Yeah. That is our first introduction to Xander, and the typical checks out a girl and crashes into something trope as he hits the stair railing while watching buffy climb them. Creepy much? Willow and Xander have a moment as Xander sweet talks Willow into helping him with his homework. Next Buffy is talking to the principle who isn't at all worried about her track record until he finds out she burned down the gym at her old school. Then she walks out of the office just to bump into Xander and drop a bunch of her things. He helps her pick them up, tries hitting on her and I suppose we're supposed to feel bad for him because he's so awkward about it, but really, I think he's being super creepy here too. Buffy goes to class where Cordie generously lets Buffy read from her textbook and then starts a convo. Buffy doesn't seem too impressed, probably because Cordie goes out of her way to be mean to Willow without provocation. Cordie takes Buffy to the library where we meet Giles for the first time. He tries to give Buffy a book about Vampyrs and she makes a run for it without talking to him. Buffy then approaches Willow about helping her get caught up on schoolwork. Willow seems to think Buffy wants her to move at first. Xander and Jesse join them. Xander is being creepy at Buffy, Jesse is just being creepy all together. Cordelia walks up to inform Buffy that gym has been canceled after a dead body was found. Buffy starts asking morbid questions thereby solidifying her status as social leper in Cordie's eyes. Buffy goes to check out the body and racks up her first amount of damage to Sunnydale school property when she forces the door open, breaking the wood where the lock is placed. The victim is the guy from the previous night who was with Darla, he's dead with puncture wounds. Buffy goes to Giles, and they have an argument about her being the slayer which Xander overhears without announcing his presence because I guess he just wasn't creepy enough before that.

It's night. Buffy is getting ready for her first night out (was her first day of school on a Friday?). Buffy's mom has no problem with her going out and doesn't even ask her anything about the club she'll be going to. Did she let Buffy go out to clubs in LA? Buffy is still only sixteen in this episode and she's walking to the club at night. Now we all know that Buffy is strong and capable, but a mom not offering her 16-year-old at least a ride to the club so she can sus it out...I mean, it takes all kinds, I guess. Buffy's mom is a pretty good mom for the most part throughout the show (well, despite not being aware that her daughter is literally fighting demons while she's asleep in bed) so I guess I'll forgive her this one slight. Buffy notices that she's being followed and hides so she can confront the guy who's stalking her. We get our first glimpse of a very cocky Angel. He warns Buffy about something called "The Harvest" and gives her a cross necklace. She gets to the club where she finds Willow who says she's waiting for Xander. Buffy tells Willow to seize the day to help her get over being too shy to talk to boys and then notices Giles up in the rafters. Buffy goes to talk to him acting like it's creepy that he (an adult) is at a club frequented by his students. It's a club, it's supposed to be mostly adults, isn't it? Buffy tells him about Angel's warning, calls Angel handsome but says she doesn't like him (yeah, right). Then Giles says Buffy is right, there's nothing to worry about, it's not like she's been having visions. Then he tells her she needs to be able to spot a vamp and to try...she spots one by his outdated look and notices the girl he's talking to is Willow. Buffy then goes on a cat and mouse hunt for the vamp and Willow, accidentally traumatizing Cordie in the process. Giles offers to come with, but Buffy says she can handle one vamp. Screen cuts to Darla picking up Jesse. Then Buffy into Xander who acts super arrogant about what he overheard in the library. Then Buffy and Xander go in search of Willow and somehow get there just in time before Darla and the unnamed vamp have had time to feed. Well, Darla's already bitten Jesse "I got hungry" she pouts and the unnamed vamp. They are presumably bringing the kids to the Master to replenish his hunger but seem about to feed themselves when Buffy interrupts them. A fight ensues. Buffy dusts unnamed outdated clothing vamp. Just realized that their clothing also disintegrates when they turn to dust. So bizarre. Darla is holding her own for the first bit, but Buffy starts getting the upper hand and Xander helps willow and Jesse escape. Luke shows up and Darla runs away. Luke and Buffy Tussle, he breaks her steak and throws her into whatever that thing in the center of a tomb is called where they keep the dead body. Then, just as Xander Willow and Jesse end up running into some more vamps in the cemetery, Giles is looking up the harvest, and Buffy seems about to get bitten, the screen freezes and the words to be continued show up. Not the strongest pilot episode I've ever seen, but not the weakest either. Characters that were best established in this episode: Cordelia played to perfection by Carisma Carpenter and Giles by Anthony Steward Head. Also give props to Allison Hannigan for her baby Willow, just because of how much Willow expands as a character from this point. Right here, she's just your garden variety nerd with a touch of cute and awkward shyness. Characters 7/10, Villains 5/10 (I gave an extra point because Darla's pretty good in this episode), Plot 6/10, Creep factor 9/10 final tally: 6.75/10

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