So I just finished watching the anime Kiss Him, Not Me. Despite its problematic elements, I ended up enjoying the show with its many and varied anime references, interesting characters, and unique reverse-harem concept. I also enjoyed reading the comments from fellow fans on Crunchyroll. I've always had trouble believing that truly nice guys finish last and are consistently passed over for more aggressive types, and the comment section proved me right since the one truly nice guy in the show is the one that consistently got the most overall love from fans of the show most of whom I assume were straight or bi girls because the show is marketed for its pro-BL and fujoshi content.
So the premise of the show is that a big girl is a huge BL nerd (also known as a fujoshi in Japan) and is friends with a bunch of hot guys who she secretly ships with one another, but various circumstances (comical ones) cause her to lose weight and suddenly all these guys who were her friends are pursuing her romantically. Except they're not all "suddenly" interested in her. There is one guy who seems to have always felt some degree of interest and he also seems happy when she's happy and goes along with whatever. He's just happy she allows him to be a part of her friend group. He's a nice guy. He's the guy I wanted her to end up with (even though the show also presents a female alternative to all the guys who was also interested in her prior to her weight loss). The only problem is that he doesn't even realize he actually likes her romantically until almost the end, at which point he just flat out confesses with no hesitation whatsoever while everyone else tries their best to keep him from telling her how he feels because none of them genuinely want to know how she feels because they don't actually care (or at least that was my interpretation). The great part is that he seems to be the overall choice of fans as well. Sure there are fans that ship the more problematic characters (even the two who push to get her to relose the weight when she ends up gaining it back for a short time), but overall the consensus seems to be the Matsume is best boi. I agree.
But the whole thing got me to thinking about the whole "nice guys finish last" idea and where it actually comes from. You see, I think actually nice guys finish first, but to be an actual nice guy you can't be superficial. Superficial guys are only interested in girls who look good and they consistently go after girls who are out of their league in the looks department and they finish last because those girls are interesting in guys who look good too. If a guy is superficial about who he wants to date, why is it a bad thing that the girl he's interested in is also superficial about who she wants to date? It's a double standard. People who actually fall for personalities over looks tend to end up with people who also like them because people with good personalities don't pass over a person because they don't measure up in the looks department. Well, that's my two cents anyway.
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