Friday, November 12, 2021

A quick rant completely unrelated to the topic at hand

So I was on Facebook. I know, I know, stop doing that. Anyway, I was reading the comment section of this post. It was a post about the absurdity that women's breasts are sexualized and criminalized while men's chests aren't. A lot of people pointed out that post-op trans men can be topless and cis men with "man boobs" are also allowed that luxury. Anyway, there was one comment about the misogynistic nature of our society and I read the replies and there was a lot of back and forth about a "not all men" comment. One person was trying to explain (and not doing a very good job) why the phrase "not all men" is problematic. To me it's the same as the "not all white people" comment. The reason it exists is that the privileged want a way to pretend to be allies without having to actually acknowledge the problem. They want it both ways. They don't want to be hated, but they don't want to fix a system that rewards them just for existing. The problem with that is, when you say "not all men" or "not all white people" you're not helping. Misogyny and racism still exist and the oppressed group is still being oppressed whether allies exist or not. Only by acknowledging the problem can the privileged help and change it. So, by saying "not all men" or "not all white people" you are insulting those who suffer at the hands of an unjust system. It is, in effect rubbing your privilege in their faces. That is why the comments are met with disdain. It is not because we believe that there are no male allies (or white allies for people of color), it is because whether those allies exist or not, the oppression continues and refusal to acknowledge it just perpetuates it. 

Okay, rant over. Thank you for indulging me. See you next week probably for another episode of Supernatural (maybe sooner if I feel like doing one this weekend).

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